When force enters the body in the right amount for us, you get adaptation. Injury is what happens when too much force happens at once and the body cannot adapt quickly enough
Part 1: Injury as Opportunity
This post isn’t going to be about why injuries happen or on how to prevent injury, but on what YOU can do when it happens.
Importance of the Hinge
We all need to hip-hinge in the same way that we all need to squat. You’ve done it before; the body just needs to be reminded how to do it.
The Secret to Fat Loss, With a Capital F!
We make things so complicated, that we would rather give up or not start, rather than make a mistake.
A Great Investment Opportunity
Going against our biology will lead to a cascade of negative consequences.
Manage Risks and Live Longer
It seems that every week there is a new, better diet contradicting the last one.
No Need To Wait
If you want to start something and your instinct is to wait until tomorrow, ask yourself, “Why can’t I do this now?”
Holy Anti-Extension Batman!
Your abdominals are not meant to be movers. They are meant to be stabilizers.
Preseason Training
You have about six weeks until the the start of Summer on June 21. What does this mean in regards to health, fitness, or even martial arts training?