Quick backstory; for almost 10 years when someone asked me what I did for a living my response was, “Drug Dealer.”
In addition to getting a laugh, it was just a cool way to say I was in pharmaceutical sales.
We have medicine today that is made to take care of many of the health issues humans face.
I have family members that swear by the pill their doctor prescribed in helping them with a particular ailment. I’m sure you do as well.
Unfortunately, there are times pills are used to address a particular symptom and not deal with the underlying issue. In addition, taking a pill sometimes leads to side effects that need to be addressed by prescribing yet another pill.
Cue the music…the never ending cycle has begun.
The funny thing is that I went into the industry with the intention and goal of trying to help people, but stayed for 10 years because of the comfort a steady paycheck provides.
Does that story sound familiar? There was definitely fear and anxiety, but when I decided to become a full-time fitness professional, my whole life changed for the better.
At Control Your Health, we exist to empower humans with the knowledge to move better, achieve strength, and take control of their health for life.
What is a major step to taking control of YOUR health? MOVE YOUR BODY!
We are designed as humans to adapt to our environment and that means we were literally made to move and move well.
When your body doesn’t do what it was designed to do, it adapts. It start falling apart, shutting down because that is what the new paradigm is.
There is no malice behind what the body does. It is simply adapting as best it can to the environment it finds itself in.
“Oh, we are sitting 10 plus hours a day now? Cool, we are going to be the BEST at doing nothing!”
There is a simple solution to this. Start with just 15 minutes a day addressing any faults or issues you have. For lack of a better word, we’ll call it homework.
Here’s a 28 a minute video with 7 follow along options for lower body homework!
Pick one!
For those that are just starting a movement practice after years of sedentary living, it might mean a 15 minute walk after lunch or dinner.
The point is that everyone has at least 15 minutes to work on themselves.
If you say that you don’t, you’re lying to yourself. Those 15 minutes can grow to 30 minutes, to an hour.
Let me put it one other way. One hour is 1/24 of your day or 5% of your day.
Is your health worth 5% of your day? Even if you can’t commit to 5% I know you can commit 1.25% of your day to improve your health.
Those 15 minutes are a pill anyone can swallow.
Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi
Control Your Health
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