Wah Lum Warrior Operating System

  • Do you ever find yourself knowing what you should do for your fitness, but just can’t get yourself to take action?

  • Are you frustrated by constant stops and starts, but not sure how to keep the momentum?

  • Have you ever found yourself frustrated because you’re not seeing results, but aren’t sure what to change?

  • Want some guidance on and support for how to actually accomplish your goals?

Then I’ve got great news…

With the Wah Lum Warrior Operating System, we will help you create — and sustain — transformational change in your relationship with health, fitness, martial arts training, and mindset. 

The Wah Lum Warrior Operating System includes:

  • Completely customized 6 week plan based on a thorough analysis of your goals, history, and personal preferences

  • Holistic support and goal setting in all areas of fitness: exercise, nutrition, recovery, and mindset

  • Formal weekly 15 minute coaching sessions for personalized support, to keep you o track, and adjust strategies based on your results (over phone, or Zoom)

  • Text, video, voice message support from your coach for extreme accountability

  • 30-Day, Absolutely No-Hassle, 100% Money Back Guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with the program

If you’re looking for support to stick with your goals, and make your Wah Lum or Control Your Health Training dreams come true… this is the program for you!


Since 1980, the Wah Lum Temple Team has worked with thousands of people just like you. We’ve seen first hand how smart, dedicated humans sometimes struggle to stay consistent with their goals.

It’s often that many people launch a new training regime full of pluck and vigor… only to slowly lose motivation over time. It’s discouraging, it’s disheartening, and it totally sucks.

But it’s also absolutely normal.

The fact is, staying on top of your training, nutrition, and lifestyle is actually much tougher than it seems.

And after working with so many people, we have a lot of data on what actually works, and where many people get hung up.

Sure, sometimes you’re pursuing the WRONG strategy. Not every program is right for every goal.

Different people need different approaches.

And when we’re talking about lifestyle, one size does NOT fit all.

We have to consider you as an individual:

  • Your background

  • Your goals

  • Your personal preferences

  • Your values

  • How do your goals fit into the rest of your life.

And when you get it all right, the pay-off is massive:

  • Noticeably improved mood and confidence

  • Truly “all-day-long” energy and stamina

  • Crisper thinking and mental focus

  • Supercharged immune system

  • A stronger, leaner body

But ultimately, the right strategy is just ONE PART of success.

Once we know WHAT to do, we need to execute consistently.

We’ve seen this over and over again at Wah Lum and Control Your Health. It’s also clear in the social science literature on behavior change.

There’s one often overlooked piece that will make or break your fitness success.

And let’s be honest, being unsatisfied with your goal achievement is often the missing piece in really living your best life.

Because your training success isn’t just about how many kicks you can do.

Or fitting back into those jeans.

Or toning up your shoulders.

It’s not even about improving your bloodwork, though those are all perfectly great goals.

(And we help people achieve them every single day.)

Success in your training is about…

  • Living a life that truly lights you up.

  • Showing up in the world as the very best version of yourself.

  • Creating real physical vitality as a platform for what matters most to you.

Sound good?

So if knowing WHAT to do isn’t always the problem…

WHY is it people don’t succeed at this incredibly important personal goal?


Because they’re trying to go it alone.

They don’t have a coach.

And they don’t have accountability.

Now does everyone need a coach?

Well, let’s put it like this…

Michael Jordan had a coach.

Every great CEO has a coach.

Anyone succeeding at a high level in almost any field has a coach.

When you have a personal coach, they can work with you to show you exactly how to train for your goals and psychology.

A great fitness coach doesn’t just assign you “workouts.” They look at your overall program: how many sessions per week, what kind of training will get you to your goals, and how it fits into the context of your life.

And while a coach guides strategy (the WHAT), they also provide a powerful force that supercharges your willpower and supports you in staying consistent.


Think about it…

How would your life change if you were full of energy and confidence?

What would it feel like to consistently take action towards your fitness goals?

Can you imagine the changes in your personal and professional life with clearer thinking and an improved mood?

And how nice would it be to have a friendly expert by your side to answer questions, check-in with you daily, and support the hell out of you?

Think of it like having a personal concierge who can advise on every element of your fitness AND keep you accountable.

Now here’s the thing…

We’re very proud of our track record to date. Both Wah Lum and Control Your Health programs have helped many people make major progress on their martial arts journey and the decades fo Wah Lum USA has literally helped thousands of people get in the best shape of their lives.

Beyond fitness results, we’ve seen no shortage of life-changing mental and emotional transformations.


We’re always looking to up our game…

And as valuable as the above solutions are, they weren’t designed to give you a truly comprehensive and personalized solution.

And they don’t provide the extreme accountability of daily check-ins with a friendly coach ready to give you a kick-in-the-pants at your personally preferred level of pants-kickin’. 🙂

In conversations with students, the same requests have come up over and over again:

  • MORE coaching on how to put all the pieces of your fitness together

  • MORE high-touch, high frequency support

  • MORE personalization

  • And most of all… MORE accountability

We’ve spent the better part of the last year going back to the drawing board.

After studying the best practices of the most successful coaching programs in the industry…

After collecting even more certifications on everything from nutrition coaching to evidence-based behavior change…

And after months of internal discussion, debates, and fine-tuning…

We are 100% confident that we’ve created the best possible solution for Wah Lum Warriors who want comprehensive help and extreme accountability.

With the Wah Lum Warrior Operating System, we will help you create — and sustain — transformational change.

Neat! So what’s actually included?

Here’s exactly what you get:

  • Completely customized 6 week plan based on a thorough analysis of your goals, history, and personal preferences

  • Holistic support and goal setting in all areas of fitness: exercise, nutrition, recovery, and mindset

  • Formal weekly 15 minute coaching sessions for personalized support, to keep you o track, and adjust strategies based on your results (over phone, or Zoom)

  • Text, video, voice message support from your coach for extreme accountability

  • 30-Day, Absolutely No-Hassle, 100% Money Back Guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with the program

That’s right.

We are SO confident that this is the very best coaching we’ve ever offered that we will GUARANTEE that you will be completely thrilled. And in the unlikely event that you’re not absolutely over-the-moon, we’ll give you a no-hassle, 100% money back refund.


Cool! Who’s runnin’ the show?

The program is being facilitated by Sifu Mimi Chan and Sifu Oscar Agramonte.

Got it! So what’s the investment for all this accountability lovin’?

The investment to join wlwOS and get completely personalized coaching and extreme accountability is $475.

And if you’re a current member of Wah Lum or Control Your Health?

Well… membership has its privileges. Active students get an exclusive VIP discounted rate of $375 (20% off).

If you’re tired of trying to make it happen on your own…

If you’ve been wanting to make real change in your training journey…

If you’re ready to to experience the life-changing power of accountability…

This is your chance.

Please note:

Space is STRICTLY limited and we will only be accepting 5 Students into this program at a time. Due to the time commitment required by our coaches, we don’t have unlimited spots, alas.

Click the button below, claim your spot, and get instant access to your Getting Started Quickstart Guide.


Got questions? Hit me up at oscar@wahlum.com!

To your best success,
Sifu Mimi and Sifu Oscar

Frequently Asked Questions

How much access will I have for support?

UNLIMITED. Seriously. The reality is you’ll only need “emergency” support every once in a while, and that access is part of what you’re paying for. If you need to ping us a text on a Saturday afternoon because you have a question about what to get at brunch, go for it!

How does the billing work?

You’ll pay your deposit of $119 the day you sign up to reserve your spot. Your recurring payments of $119 will bill bi-weekly thereafter based on the date you select at sign-up.

Reminder: Ninjas with a membership at MFF have access to an exclusive discount rate of $99 bi-weekly.

(Want an even better rate? Save even MORE with our 12 Week Pre-Pay Option.)

What’s the minimum commitment?

Since it will take some time for you to create change, we ask for an upfront minimum commitment of 12 weeks.

After that you can cancel at any time, though we do ask for 4 weeks notice.

I love that this program is so comprehensive! Does that mean you’ll design my exercises for me too?

Part of our coaching includes consulting and guidance on the best types (and frequency) of exercise for your goals and personal preferences. If you want a specific program with exactly what to do at home or at your gym, we can also direct you to awesome resources.


That month, I sent an email inviting 10 business owners to enjoy their best month ever.

I charged $1000 for the month.

The deliverable was simple.

The business owners texted me a few numbers at the close of the day along with any other updates or questions.

I’d review the texts each morning and reply.

If things went well, the reply might just be some simple, positive feedback.

If there was a single slow day, I might just tell them the next day would be better and leave it at that.

If there were two days in a row that didn’t go well or any questions, I’d reply with a voice message via voxer or we’d jump on a quick call.

The results were great. 10 of 11 had their best month (I had 11 actually register based on that single email.)

So, how could you use this?

Here’s a hypothetical version of what you could offer:

30 Days to The Best YOU.

Offer 3-10 spots to your client base.

Charge $250 for the month.

Clients text you at the end of the day with a score from 1-5 on how they did in the following areas:

Strength Training:

They can share any other updates or questions along with the text.

You reply each morning with feedback on their check in.

If any problem solving is needed, you send them a quick message via Voxer or some other app that allows you to send a video or voice message. 

Or, you can give them a quick call when it’s convenient.

They’ll likely get results that surpass anything they’d normally see in 90 days…or much longer.


First, accountability.

Of everything I’ve ever done for clients, this sort of accountability was the most effective.

It’s so personal that even people who struggle with other accountability tactics respond to this.

And it’s individualized…so you can solve problems very easily.

Couple those things with daily consistency and you can see massive improvement for most things.

Now I wouldn’t do this with more than 10 people at once unless you’ve just got a lot of time available.

But you should be able to get 3-5 in your client base who want to step up their game and once you get them great results, it won’t be tough to bring in the next group.

Do this with 5 at $250 each month and you just gave yourself a $15,000 annual pay raise.

Not bad for doing some very simple but highly effective coaching.