The Nutrition Breakthrough You’ve Been Looking For…
FINALLY! A Nutrition Solution To Lose Weight, Maximize Health, And Have Tons Of Energy…
…That Doesn’t Require Counting Calories, Points, Or Macros And NEVER Relies On Will-Power or Motivation.
Plus, You Get To Eat Delicious Tasting Foods That Even Your Pickiest Family Members Will Enjoy!
From the Desk of: Oscar Agramonte, Control Your Health Nutrition Coach and Wah Lum Sifu
RE: nutritionOS
Dear Friend,
If you’re like me and most of my clients you’ve tried just about every diet under the sun at one point or another…
You might even be on one right now…
How has that worked out for you so far?
Lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight?
Forever riding the weight loss roller coaster?
Yeah, been there and done that.
Not to mention, dieting just sucks!
I don’t care if it’s the ultra-strict boring and bland food low-fat diet or the eat all the tasty greasy fat-filled foods you love (but don’t touch those evil carbs) diet or any of the myriad of diets in between…
They all pretty much bite.
And, none of them are sustainable … unless you’re OK eliminating an entire food group for the rest of your life, which is just completely unnecessary and foolish.
Let’s not even get into all the misinformation out there…
“Are eggs the best source of nutrition ever or will they kill you if you eat more than one?”
“Are sugar and chemical-filled breakfast cereals really better than grass-fed meat?”
NEWSFLASH: You can find a study proving every side of everything. And, Big Food and Big Pharma don’t care one bit about your health and well-being, just their bottom line!
(Did you know I worked as a Pharmaceutical Sales rep for 9 years? Sad, but true!)
The TRUTH is, if you take out all the interested parties and just get down to the REAL TRUTH, the actual nutrition science, it just isn’t that complicated.
But that’s not enough.
I mean, let’s get real for a moment…
Everyone pretty much knows, at least at the most basic level, what good nutrition is, right?
Don’t eat junk food. Eat plenty of veggies. Drink less alcohol and more water.
Hell, if most people just did that, they’d lose weight and feel better!
We don’t even need to get into the arguments about carbs or animal vs plant proteins…
So, why is eating “healthy” so hard?
Well, for one, it’s not about the food!
I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’ve gotta eat the right food…
But, before you can get there, you’ve got to actually want to eat the right food, feel good about eating the right food, and even crave the right food…
And, THAT my friend, is much deeper than downloading another meal plan to follow and a bunch of recipes to try!
Fortunately, I’ve got you covered with…
As the name suggests, nutritionOS is the nutrition operation system (OS) that we’ll be “installing” into the clients who participate in this one-of-a-kind 8-week coaching program…
“Like computer operating systems, nutritionOS is flexible in its application because it’s built on a core set of scientific and psychological principles. This duo of science and psychology is essential for empowering people to improve their health and achieve their goals.”
You see, people don’t stick with good nutrition because that’s not the “operating system” they’re running…
It’s no wonder they’re always riding that weight loss roller coaster and keep jumping from one diet to the next looking for the one that “works.”
Even with the best program they still won’t have long-term success. They’ll always find a way to self-sabotage BECAUSE THAT’S PART OF THEIR CURRENT OPERATING SYSTEM!
Can you relate?
Bonnie Kenewell can:
So can Lee Mendelssohn
NutirtionOS is all about science, results, and your safety.
No more guesswork about what to eat
No more crazy claims from food companies
No more bogus celebrity-backed diets
And the science says that the right plan can accelerate your results by as much as 30%.
Who is Dr. Mike Roussell?
Dr. Mike is the creator of nutritionOS, and to put it bluntly, he is a nutrition badass!
I mean just take a look at his bio:
Author, speaker, and nutritional consultant – is known for transforming complex nutritional concepts into practical nutritional habits for long-lasting health.
Dr. Mike’s robust academic background coupled with his broad range of experience from consulting with pharmaceutical companies and food companies, top-rated fitness facilities, and individual clients that include NGA all-stars, Hollywood Stars, and Silicon Valley Executives give him the unique ability and experience to translate scientific findings into relevant and actionable strategies.
Dr. Mike has published over 600 articles on health and nutrition, and he’s appeared in over 200 TV segments as a nutrition expert. In addition, Dr. Mike has authored and/or served as the consulting nutritionist for 10 books.
So, yeah, he’s pretty qualified!
And, most important…
He gets RESULTS!
That’s why I’m so proud to partner with him and share nutritionOS with you.
“Who Else Wants To Ditch The Fad Diets And Finally Lose The Weight (And Keep It Off) With A Simple Plan That Eliminates All The Confusion About Eating And Health?”
Here’s How It Works:
With Nutritional OS, we combine ALL of the factors involved in eating that work together to accelerate your progress and get you results and allow you to maintain those results for a lifetime – and we do it in just 8 short weeks.
8 Private Coaching Calls on Zoom – I will personally coach you through the successful, effective, and easy-to-follow curriculum developed by Dr. Mike Roussell.
Discover the “6 Pillars of Nutrition” so you can stop getting caught up in the latest fad diets and instead focus on a few simple rules that will dramatically improve your results, build your confidence, and have you finally feeling in control of your food choices.
Develop both nutrition “know-how” and nutrition “do-how” which means you can finally stick to the good nutrition habits that produce the body transformation results you desire.
Learn how to bust through plateaus by overcoming their two main causes…
Understand the “health ecosystem” you live in and how to optimize it for the best results.
Unlock the secret to getting your friends and family on board with and supportive of your weight loss and health goals. This is HUGE!
Gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate any restaurant menu so you never have to choose between eating out and “staying on a diet” again.
With printable handouts every week, you’ll accumulate a living textbook throughout the course of the program … resources you can come back to whenever you need a refresher.
Enjoy delicious, easy-to-cook recipes that you and your family will love!
Nutrition OS will knock down every obstacle that has stood in your path before when it comes to diet & weight loss to ensure you reach your goals once and for all!
Plus, through the entire 8 weeks, you’re never alone…
You’ll have access to me via our coaching app! Text, voice, video messages…
I’ll keep you on track throughout the week between coaching sessions, and it’s a simple way to get your questions answered when they pop up.
The Premier Nutrition Coaching Program!
Proven Science & Psychology Based Program Created By Renowned Doctor of Nutrition
8 Weekly Private Coaching Sessions via Zoom
NutritionOS Success Tools
NutritionOS Recipes
No More Guesswork
Nutrition “Know-How” and “Do-How”
Personalized Nutrition Report with video tutorial, Grocery List, Meal Suggestions. ($199 value)
Video Calorie and Portion Control Tutorial. ($99 value)
8-week customized training program designed just for you. With video tutorials of exercises! ($497 value)
8 weeks of Direct Communication with your coach in the MYCOACH APP to guide you through the program! Unlimited text support, send videos for feedback, and weekly Zoom or phone check-ins. There are no dumb questions! We got your back! ($399 value)
nutritionOS NORMALLY = $1,194
$497 for Wah Lum Students
As you can see, nutritionOS is the most comprehensive short-term nutrition COACHING program ever developed. It’s THE premier nutrition education, accountability, and support solution in the industry…
NutritionOS lays the ultimate foundation for your long-term nutrition success!
However, my time is limited and, truthfully, not everyone is ready to make a change in their nutrition…
I can only take on 5 clients at a time for nutritionOS.
That’s why I first start with a FREE Discovery Call.
This is your chance to learn more about the program and what it takes to be successful, and, quite frankly, it’s my chance to see if I think we’ll be a good fit.
So, if you’re ready to totally transform the way you look & feel – and dramatically increase your energy and confidence over the next 8 weeks – book your FREE Discovery Call NOW!
And of course, you’re fully protected with my…
100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
Complete the entire program. Attend all the sessions… Use all the resources… Get all the coaching…
If nutritionOS doesn’t show you exactly how to lose weight, maximize health, and have tons of energy… if it doesn’t pave the way for you to achieve long-term, sustainable results… and if it fails to help you develop your mind so you can navigate any nutrition situation that comes up in your life .. then I don’t want your money. I’ll give it all back – no questions asked – no hard feelings!
But, we don’t even have to worry about those details right now…
Right now, let’s just get your FREE Discovery Call booked and then we’ll go from there:
I look forward to chatting with you and seeing how nutritionOS can help you achieve your goals!
To your best health,
-Coach Oscar
P.S. If you happen to book a Discovery Call, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM!
nutritionOS FAQ
Q: What do you mean by “operation system” in nutritionOS?
A: That’s a fun question. I really like Dr. Mike’s approach here. Let’s go back to the quote from him that I shared with you:
“Like computer operating systems, nutritionOS is flexible in its application because it’s built on a core set of scientific and psychological principles. This duo of science and psychology is essential for empowering people to improve their health and achieve their goals.” – Dr. Mike Roussell, PHD
So, essentially, you’re “installing” a behavior, and identity even.
Everyone pretty much knows WHAT to eat, at least to the level of “don’t eat crap and make sure you get your protein and veggies”, right?
But, then why don’t they do it?
Because that’s not the system they’re operating from.
Through the education, tools, accountability, and practices you get in this program you will “install the operating system” of someone who DOES eat that way…naturally and habitually.
You’ll have “know-how” AND “do-how”!
Q: How is nutritionOS different from the meal plans?
A: For one, it’s not a meal plan. It’s an “operating system” (see previous Q&A). Meal plans are great in the sense that they provide a guide to follow…and they usually come with some tasty recipes. 🙂
However, a meal plan is more of a “surface level” approach for the time being, rather than a deep-down core behavior change for a lifetime…
If you want to develop the lifelong habit of eating supportively, navigating life, and still having your fun favorites then you need an operating system. You need nutritionOS.
NutritionOS provides the “do-how” to go along with the “know-how”.
Q: Will we get new recipes?
A: Yes, but that’s not really important (see previous Q&A). New recipes are great but you have to have the mindset to actually use them…
And, most importantly, you need to have the mindset to eat supportively when you can’t!
But, yes, you’ll get some tasty recipes for sure.
Q: I’m pretty good with nutrition already. Is this really for me?
A: I won’t say “for sure” but I will say “most likely.”
Here’s how I see things like this – If I can learn one thing, have one a-ha, or lock in one more positive behavior then it was totally worth it!
Wouldn’t you agree?
I mean, what could that one more thing be worth to you in the long run?
A LOT more than the registration fee, that’s for sure!
And, to take the edge off, I’m backing it up with a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you go through the entire course and you really don’t think it was worth it, just let me know and I’ll refund your money.
Q: If I book a call, will I be pressured into signing up?
A: Absolutely not! For one, that’s not my style. And, secondly, if I have to “sell” you on a program like this it’s just not going to work.
That’s no good for either of us. This is purely an information call … for both of us.
If I don’t think it’s a good fit, I’ll tell you. The last thing I want is for you to be mad or disappointed in me as a fitness professional. I quit pharmaceutical sales years ago because I hated pressuring people to do things they didn’t want to.